


Our Process

When it comes to executive search and recruitment, we use our smaller, more focused team as an advantage for us to narrow in on our niche market.  This gives us the ability to create the most effective and workable placements in any Manufacturing sector.  We can use this advantage to meet each client’s needs by finding exceptional talent for them.  In our years of experience in this field, we have been able to build up an enormous network of highly qualified talent.  We offer the personal touch of a small firm, yet we have the reach, know how, and networking capabilities of an international conglomerate.

Our Step by Step Approach

We are detailed and thorough with each, individual search.  We approach each new executive search with six, basic steps:


Analyze and define search objectives.

This step is our initial, first approach.  We have an initial consultation with our client, so we can develop a constructive and cohesive plan for finding the right candidate.  We understand the important of culling the perfect candidate for the position, so we will ask several questions initially to glean a perspective on what each individual client needs.


Create a search strategy.

Now it’s time to put together a search strategy.  We compare our search objectives with our databases of potential recruits and we create a line-up of potential candidates and groups to recruit in.  This allows us to build a pool of potential candidates to look into further.


Identify and aggressively recruit qualified candidates.

Once we have explored candidates for our client’s needed position, we narrow down the ones that are most suited for the executive post.  We identify them as being the ones most suited based off our client’s criterion, and we recruit them extensively.


Facilitate search process and interviews.

In this step, we begin the recruitment process.  Having identified our headhunting prospects, we assign our own team of recruiters to contact our selected prospects, and we aggressively recruit them.


Offer negotiation and closure.

Once we have a prospect’s interest, we offer negotiation based off of the terms initially presented by our client in the search strategy step.  We negotiate with our prospect, and get them closed on a new position at our client’s business.


Assist with the on-boarding process as needed.

Once we have provided our client with a new recruit, we assist with the on-boarding process.  We want to make sure our selections are great fits for our clients, so we make the transition and on-boarding steps smooth and fast.  In a matter of days, our recruited candidate will be settled in and producing excellence at our client’s company.

What we’ve learned from our time in this industry is that only select individuals truly possess the very unique combination of not only industry-specific insight and knowledge, but who also have an air of professionalism, business acumen, and extensive work ethic.  That is why we extend our recruitment nationwide to find the best potential.